Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 29-B is for Bestie

I know she is reading this and smiling- or at least she had better be smiling. She has been an answer to prayer, for me anyway...Meeting her was something I really needed and it has been plain awesome since. From weekends at the cabin, movies, and many, many inside jokes with uncontrolable laughing at times, we can call each other just to have a buddy to go to Target or Smith's with. She just gets me. She is there to talk me off a ledge when needed, there to talk sense to me when I don't want to hear it, and it is an added bonus that our kids love each long as we spread our thier playdates somewhat. She is stronger that she will ever give herself credit for and is a wonderful teacher. She gave the lessons in Relieft Society for quite a long time and I don't think there was one lesson in which there was something that I didnt need to hear. 
She really cannot have ANY idea of how much she means to me. She is just my person. And I don't say that about alot of people. If I had some sappy friend song and a rolling slideshow, I would TOTALLY play it...But you and the rest of the world will have to settle for these few pics of my bestie and me-Jacki.

Today, I am SO very grateful for besties. Especially mine, Jacki.

1 comment:

Jacki said...

Oh Charity! I was smiling. And then crying. I ♥ you too and am so thankful for you in my life!!!!!