Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 24-Grandpa gets it

I was up in Oregon a few weekends ago and the never changing statement of my Dad when one of us is on our way home is "Pack light and bring an extra suitcase..." This time I did just that and was quite proud of myself for not severly overpacking and bringing an extra suitcase which was very quickly packed to the brim with books, and other things that my Dad felt I stood in need of.
One of those "items" that blessed my suitcase was a Russian Shopka. I love it! It totally reminded me of the little kids I fell in love with while on my mission in Russia. I took it home and Sofia found it in my suitcase, immediately put it on, and did not take it off-while she colored, while she did her homework, while I made dinner, while she ATE dinner.
Today I am thankful for a Grandpa who "gets it". He not only "gets" that we my girls are part Russiana and we not only welcome the culture in our home, but embrace it, but he supports us as well. Shopkas and all.

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