Monday, November 9, 2009

H2O... in the very LARGE sense of the word.

Day 9

The Ocean. I have such fond memories of the Ocean; camping with my family in tents just minutes away from the water. Knowing the water was going to be cold, no matter what time of year it was. At times having to dress like it was winter-even though we were going to the Coast in July. Taking Russ into the ocean's salt water (with a pretty wicked diaper rash) to swim and wondering why he was wailing so, which made our parents wail at us...What?! What'd we do? The Oregon Coast. My Coast, was NOT your California Oceanside. It was seals, whales, and fog...and breathtakingly beautiful.

Sofia and Ella have had to opportunity to visit a few different "coasts" in thier short lifetime some on the other side of the world. I hope the memories they make of the Oregon Coast hold as dear to them as the ones I made (and continue to make) when I was young.
So today, I am thankful for the Ocean.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I LOVE the Oregon coast too. David and I have already decided we are retiring there, Lincoln City to be exact. You and the flame wanna come with!?!?! :) What a great idea, Thanks Giving Month. I should try it... I need to be more freaking grateful!!