Monday, September 17, 2012

Underwear...apparantly is optional

You hear about this kids all the time that prefer being in thier "birthday suits" rather than being constricted with clothing. Ella is SO one of those kids. The minute we get home, while sister Sofia is undressing to get into another outfit of dress-up, Ella is just undressing! Her clothes come off immediately and first to go is the underwear. More than once we have caught her mid twirl with her tooshie showing.
So when I got this text from Betsy the other day...I just had to start laughing. It was the only alternative I had rather than start crying as I felt like a failure of a mom for a second...Oh Ella. This due to the fact that OF COURSE I had her in a dress that day.

"Well Ella went to school without underwear today...Awesome. Mrs. Chavez said she noticed when it was rug time..."

The girls get notes every morning from me on thier backpacks. This morning my note to Ella looked like this...
Well see if it makes a difference...

1 comment:

Jacki said...

This made me laugh all over again. So funny!