Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dirty Dash 2012

I have been dropping a few hints about what was coming, and the day finally came! The Dirty Dash! I was totally stoked the day of to get in the mud and get dirty. However. I had NO clue it would be quite this much fun...and challenging. I started out the day by loading up on protein and getting ready to go. I had to adorn my all time favorite red bandana as I take every excuse I can to wear a bandana. Ella liked it, Sofia said I looked like a pirate. Argh. That's ok. It turned out to be extremely helpful in keeping some mud off the top of my hair. With all the dirt clods that were literally weighing the rest of my hair down, I could not complain!

It was a pretty long drive up to Midway to where the race was and luckily Jacki let me ride up with her and the Brunson clan including the dog, Charley. We were the last heat of the day and it was CROWDED. The event had been sold out for a few weeks and by the look of all the cars we saw, there must have been a few thousand people there. There were alot of  steep hills, one right off the bat a few steps from the starting line and with the higher elevation, I was breathing a bit harder than usual. And of course, there was ALOT of MUD. The hill just inches from the start line went UP and was feet of water and mud.  I fell within my first 2 steps.

There were alot of obstacles and more than enough mud. Were talking pools, lakes even of mud. At one point when Jacki and I were sloshing through one of them, I happened to turn and see her fall into some drop off or hole, She was in mud up to her chin! We barely made it through that one we were laughing so hard. Good times...Good times. Heres a few pics. With Tim corraling 2 kids and a dog, we didnt get many taken so well wait for the race ones to come out.

  This is my bib number...Before it got a little dirty...and my breakfast before the race. LOTS of protein!

These were taken right before I left...before mud had engulfed me. The girls wanted to see my muscles. Impressive are'nt they?! HAHA
This was after the MASSIVE first hill we came up and around. Were not too dirty yet, but this is only about 10 minutes into the race where Jacki's husband caught a pic of us.

The first pic is AFTER I had hosed myself down with ICE COLD water after the race. I was disgusting. And as my Dad so appropiately put it..a race though hills, obstacles and pits of mud...and you call it fun. I SURE DO!! The second pic was the girls making my day by telling me how proud they were of thier mama after I got home. I even got a little sun! Dirty Dash are DONE!

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