I don't know if she ever will...nor do I know if I want her to anytime soon, but Miss Ella has been calling Sofia "sister" for as long as the Red Flame and I can remember. It's not like we use that in place of Sofia. She just calls her that. A year or so ago, Sofia asked, "Ella, why do you call me sister?" In true Ella fashion, without skipping a beat Ella said, "Because I love you." My heart burst that day...
So last night as I sat on the floor stretching getting ready for the gym, I was reading stories for Ella before Artyom got home. When he did, I got up to leave and Ella's face about made me stay. Sofia- the awesome big sister that she is, jumped down from her chair and said, "Ella, I will read to you!" grabbed the book and Ella and "Sister" read together. My heart burst again...
Sofia is an excellent reader. She does extrememly well and I hope I can catch little moments like these of these two sisters. While rocking Ella the other day as she didnt feel well, she was going through all the people she loved, Mom and Dad were mentioned, Grandpa, all her cousins, Betsy, Linda, Tanner, Dave, and she said "Sister". Momma, she told me. "I love sister because we will be sisters for ever and ever..." Yes my sweets. You will.
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
So incredibly heart melting.
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