Thursday, November 21, 2013

Of course I want them to be happy

So Ella talks in her sleep...alot. Sometimes I wish I would write down some of the things I hear her say instead of just trying my best to remember them. Its pretty darn funny. But a few that I can remember her saying lately:
    Mama, I need some dollars
Seth that is not right!
    This morning however, she was not sleep talking, but very much awake when she asked me for ice cream at 6:15 in the morning....
When I told her no, for several reasons (and continued to list ALL of them) she just waited patiently with her big blue eyes till I was done and then thought just for a moment before she said (patting my arm mind you)

ELLA: "Mama, you want your children to be happy don't you? You would do anything to keep them happy right?"


ME: "Why yes, Ella, I would do ALMOST anything to have my children be happy...but giving them ice cream at 6:15 in the morning is not one of them..."

ELLA: "Sigh...I guess today will not be a happy day for me then..."

She chose rainbow sherbet.

1 comment:

Jacki said...

ha ha ha! You are such a good mom!