Monday, November 11, 2013

And...were toothless

I knew it would happen soon- and it sure did! The day after Sofia's first front tooth came out, she lost the other one. It was BOUND to happen, that thing was SOOO ready to come out, but she would not do the last little pull. So after I left for work, she and Ella were talking about it and Sofia started to play with it when it came out....Along with ALOT of blood. hehe.
This was evident when I came home to alot of RED TP in the trash and pink all over the bathroom sink. Our big girl just pulled that thing out and dropped it in a cup to show me when I got home.
Sofia is now toothless and has expressed a little frustration at the newly found lisp he has since losing her two front teeth. She's getting by- but certainly does NOT like it. :)

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