Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Its kind of a pre Christmas miracle

I have the farthest thing from a "green thumb" there is. One of my co-workers had to take my plant away from me and put it re-hab because of the damage I did to the poor thing. HOWEVER. She was able to resurrect it and its fluorishing now.
So you can imagine my uneasiness when my Dad entrusted a hundreds of years old Christmas Cactus of my late Aunt Diane's into my care. He wanted to take them home, but left one of them with me.      I remember them being in her kitchen on the counter and I think of her everytime I see it now in my own kitchen.
My Dad let me know that it only blooms around Christmas. The girls have been anxiously awaiting the moment when we saw small white buds forming and I had HOPE! Hope that I had not killed it ripping it out of its home and into a new one. Well this little guy is resillient and doing WELL.
Here is where things are at now. Look at all those new buds getting ready to bloom! We cannot wait till Christmas to see it in FULL BLOOM. Be proud Dad. The Christmas Cactus lives on!