Thursday, May 30, 2013

More Memorial Day

 More on Memorial Day...We had to take the obligatory pic when we headed to a Chinese buffet for our family dinner date on the Friday before Artyom left for Russia...So THIS was how our night started....

Cute kids, cute panda, VERY full tummies. They opted NOT to have the octopus...I SO wish I would have taken a pic of that...

...And THIS?! This was how our night ended...This is what happens when our little miss Ella is left unsupervised for 5 minutes and finds a tube of lipstick. When I asked her why she did it? "Mama, I just wanted to be an Indian!" hehehe. So here is what a good mom I am...Ella! Honey, why?! Now come here so I can take a picture".  hehehe She begged me not to show Betsy cause "She will be SO mad at me!" hehe. So instead I put it on Facebook....


The Tanner Thompsons said...

that text made me laugh so hard. I had come THAT morning to get them ready and they were both covered in clown make up after playing with that lipstick, and had attempted to wipe it off. So I had to clean them up and I told them not to play with it b/c it makes such a mess... I guess its good to know she at least hears me! haha

Charity said...

OH my gosh! I didnt know that!! LOL