Friday, January 3, 2014

Snow Day? Pool Day!

Betsy just sent me a pic of the girls- they decided that snow would'nt stop them from enjoying the water! Sofia let me know she even went down the BIG slide and went underwater without even plugging her nose. This is a quite a feat for our Sof since just a few short years ago, she would not finish swimming lessons and refused to go beyond the kiddie side of the pool.
Betsy changed all that though and we THANK HER for it! A few summers at Betsy's house swimming all day and now we have 2 little FISH!
Ella was quite put out that she could not go on the slide as she was just a TAD bit too short to go on...HOWEVER. Sofia did tell me that Ella was underwater, nose unplugged for 20 seconds!! Sofia thought that HAD to be a record. hehe.
I was glad they were able to escape the smog and inversion that we are having and have some fun in the water! 

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