Friday, December 14, 2012

Good stock

I gotta admit. I have some of the greatest extended family that a person could ask for. I constantly tell Artyom that if he had any doubts about moving here to the States and marrying me, it all must have dissolved the minue he met my immediate and extended family. They are amazing.
My cousin Jessica married a guy named Scott and he has simply "fit in" to our family like a glove. So I was not at all surprised when we asked him to come and help that he rearranged his schedule to help out. Our basement has been "post-broken pipe turned flood" for months and were trying to get it done as soon as we can.

Scott came out and helped Artyom put up sheetrock (which did not look fun at all...) and entertained my girls wanting to be downstairs, in the way, where all the action was. We love you Scott! Thank you for being in our family and adding to the many "Cuncles" that the girls know and adore!
 I could not believe how much quiter it was downstairs after Artyom put up the insulation.
 I must admit...I love a man in a toolbelt! It means your "honey to do list" actually has a chance at getting done!
 Artyom is going to build me shelves here. Cannot wait!

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