Monday, April 23, 2012

It has begun (finally)

The girls trying thier luck at the 3 legged race- CLASSIC!!!
Ella is a complete rule breaker and just walked up and SLAMMED the rings onto the sticks rather than tossing them.
The sun decided to come out and greet us, and perfect timing for the Primary Activity on Saturday. The girls were VERY ready to put on shorts and short sleeves and head on out. We almost froze in the morning at Maka's soccer game, but were thawed out very soon after. Here is what we did at the Primary Activity. HEADS UP-there's alot of pics on this one...
It was pretty hilarious watching BOTH girls try to figure out the hoola hoop. Ella did SO good at the carrying a marshmallow across the lawn and putting it into a bowl without dropping it. She was saying to herself-slowly, slowly, slowly, as she walked. It was awesome!

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