Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sofia means... lots of laundry

Sofia is a GIRL through and through. For quite awhile, I could not figure out why I was constantly finding her drawers empty when I just did her laundry. Then I started to pay a bit more attention to her habits after we got home in the afternoon. This girl was changing on an average of 3-4 times!! And no, I am not exaggerating. Both girls have a dress up box in thier closet which is used very often by both of them. Our friends Voni and Bill got a dress up for Ella for her birthday and it has become the one most often worn at the moment. So when Sofia asked me to close my eyes till she was ready-I obliged wondering what kind of ensemble would captivate my seeing pleasure...This girl does NOT disappoint. She posed, I took the pic and now? I believe this is one I may pull out at her Senior Prom...

1 comment:

K said...

Andrew also changes clothes 3-4 times a day. We finally had to lay down the law about it, since we already have way too much laundry to do this time a year with sprinklers, swimming, and etc... This is what was happening: Andrew hates wearing shirts, so he would take his off, then find a new shirt EVERY single time he put a shirt back on. Last time I did all our laundry I pointed out the fact that his pile was literally 4 times bigger than everybody elses. He's been doing better since then. At least Sofia is completely adorable when she dresses up! (o:
I still wish they would come out with a new laundry system that folds the laundry as it comes out. Wouldn't that be nice?