Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday fabulousness

As many people know, I started a new job and new career move this January and I will be completely honest, I was a bit concerned that I would'nt really like it and want to stay. It was a bit of a learning curve and a slow start, but the patience has paid off! I had my first big success today and it was a BIG one. So my awesome team decided to take a pic and sent it Division wide including to one of our VP's. How is THAT for some support?! So I thought I'd slap it up here for my kids to see someday that yes, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to doing...even in cargo pants and your hair in a low bun.
Basically its my "assignment days confirmed" with a client that I've been working with. They accepted the Doc I presented and he will be helping them out for 3-6 months. So that is my in all my Casual Friday glory slapping our board with my 67 days confirmed. I have heard more than once today, my new mantra is "Go big or go home"...nothing like a little pressure.

1 comment:

Pederson Seven said...

Congratulations! You are awesome:)