Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oktoberfest at Snowbird

We were supposed to be up in the mountains of Park City with a cousin reunion, but unfortunately that was cancelled so we decided to head up to the hills anyway! I had wanted to take the girls on the Alpine slide for awhile, as I remember it so fondly from when I was a kid. So we went up with Jacki, Tim and thier boys, and since Oktoberfest was going on at Snowbird, it was perfect!!
As we were waiting in line, a very nice lady gave us some free tickets for the TRAM as well, so we got to go on the Alpine slide, the TRAM and added in a bouncy house there as well. We paid WAY too much money for 1 gatorade and 1 water, got a little sun, the girls got thier faces painted and we ALL had a FABULOUS time.

I took Ella on the slide with me and Artyom took Sof. Artyom and Ella took off before us, but I guess Artyom let Sofia have control of the stick and she could not quite push it forward enough to get the momentum and speed they wanted...although Sof DID still scream girly screams the entire way down! I asked Ella is she wanted to go fast, and she was all over it! We pushed that stick all the way forward and FLEW down the slide. We not only caught up to Papa and Sofia but BEAT them. It was awesome.

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