Monday, June 4, 2012

Welcoming Summer Party!

 Trying to blow bubbles through the hoola hoop! Genius!!

Ella was in the water so much that she started to shiver and her lips were going a bit pale shade of blue. But much like our Ella, NOTHING could keep her out of the water!!! In again she went.

 Phahaha! This one just makes me laugh...It took Sofia a minute to actually WANT to go on the slip and slide, which is typical for her. Once she did though, she LOVED it!!

 Look at this bunch of kids!!! So much fun!!
You know you have a pretty great bestie when she ASKS to watch the girls on a certain day to take them to the "Welcoming Summer Party" that she and her sister had for all the kids. The girls got an invite in the mail and everything and were over the moon excited about it. Sun, water, popsicles, games, and kids. What could be more exciting than that?! So shout out to Jacki and her sister Becky for the fun time.

1 comment:

Jacki said...

Thanks for letting me take them! It was a lot of fun. And the girls had a blast!