Wednesday, October 2, 2013

When school starts up...

When school starts up the girls notice a few things:
  • They don't get pool time anymore all day, every day at Betsy's
  • The different themed days they have weekly are replaced with school recess and learing thier ABC's and 1,2,3's and in Sofia's case- her Espanol!
  • It gets dark ALOT earlier
  • Mom leaves for work when it is not yet morning....(I leave at 630AM)
  • No more naps! This is in some ways a good thing as they are excited about no naps (except for half school day Fridays!)
  • But no more naps means that they tend to hit a wall sometimes...

    Being Friday night, she was able to stay up a bit past her bedtime and after brushing her teeth, Sofia could just NOT make it to her bed a mere few feet away and this is where she ended up. On the kitchen floor. You may notice her toothbrush a few inches away from her. hehehe.
    School. It just takes it right outta ya!

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