Friday, October 25, 2013

Mom moment....

My Monday started off by putting it out to the world on Facebook
"Guess who's kids showed up at school thinking it was Pajama day...a day too early? CLASSIC! I just scarred them for life..."
The post came from a frantic phone call I got from a particular, all beit very distraught 7 year old who had showed up to school day for Red Ribbon Week thinking it was pajama day...and it wasnt. It was actually mis-matched shoe day.
So I get the call and Sofia is practically hysterical on the other line crying how it is the wrong day and she is in the office wanting to go home. Instead, I was able to double fist the phone lines and put Artyom in one ear, while talking to Sofia on my cell and arranging for REAL clothes and mis-matched shoes be brought to school for both her and Ella (not that Ella minded. She was just fine in her nightgown!) hehehe
Artyom said he got to the shool and Sofia had gone back to class wearing her COAT- even though it was so hot as she was just too embarassed...So sad.
Here is where I have to put in my two cents...I asked OVER. and OVER.and OVER again if she was CERTAIN that Monday was pajama day. She kept on saying yes. Well you can guess who's fault it ended up being when it was'nt...YEP. Yours truly.
Today was the last day of Red Ribbon week and saying NO to drugs. It was crazy hair day and thank goodness for Betsy and her creativity. The wrong day pajama day was corrected and she went to school with her crazy hair...happy.
HEHEHE. This pic STILL makes me giggle....

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