I knew I should have acted on the prompting I had when I had it....
I knew I should have DEMANDED instead of just asking the Red Flame to go and check on the girls.
I knew better than to let them play upstairs by themselves without one of us being near by.
I knew I should have acted on the 2nd prompting I had and immediately gone upstairs to check...
But I didn't...
So now I join the club of "Mom's whose kids have taken scissors to their hair...and made a mess of it."
Sofia took to the scissors (which she had to literally McGyver to get to...) and took chunks out of hers and Ella'a hair. This followed with an emergency trip to "Cookie Cutters" and the stylist telling me of the many other stories of Mom's whose kids have done the same thing. SIGH.
The short silver lining? Well Sofia may look like a boy, but now I know I like her with long hair better....Ella has patches of hair missing from her head, but being as blond as she is, Im just going to put her in hats for the next few months. And the most important? As my Dad said, it was a trip to the salon and not the E.R.
Now if all this will only sink in enough to make me feel better about the whole thing.
3 weeks ago
I am sorry that you are sad. However, your Dad is right, good thing it is not serious. Their hair will grow out. I am sure your girls still look as adorable as before :)
Where are the pics! Just remember...someday you WILL laugh about this. Those kooks!
oh no!!!! I'm not sure how calm I would be in this situation. I know I would go crazy, actually. I'm so sorry, but please, you MUST post pictures. You can't just leave us hangin' like that. :) IT will grow...just put a bow on it.
pics! pics! pics!
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