Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I really do love being pregnant. It's just amazing...Having a very breeze of a pregnancy has also been nice. So I should have done this with Sofia, but instead have a bunch of pictures on vacation with a bulging belly. I got a coupon from Kiddie Kandids and decided to do a maternity shot. So here we are in all our glory. Baby Martushev (she has yet to be named...or so Artyom thinks...) is due on July 5th. Keep your fingers crossed she stays in until that date. I could use the extra few weeks of her growing. And yes, I CHOPPED my hair. It has been years since I have had it this short and I must say I love it.


Melissa said...

BEAUTIFUL!! I am so happy for you!

Melissa said...
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Brittney said...

What a great idea and beautiful picture!