Monday, September 23, 2013

Flower Girls

Our "friend Grandma" Debbie was married this last weekend and asked Sofia and Ella to be her flower girls at her wedding. They were BEYOND excited. The dresses were adorable, and we even managed to get to the wedding without ruining them! We practiced what they were to do and they both did great! I loved watching the ooohs and ahhhs and how cute are they comments coming from the crowd. It was a proud mommy moment.
Ella broke the seriousness of the wedding as Debbie came up and stood next to her soon to be husband and the girls' job was done, Ella came bouncing back to her seat saying " YAY! The wedding is over. Now we can eat cake!!" It was hilarious.
The weather cooperated, the night was gorgeous and cool and as we played under the twinkling lights and over 1000 paper cranes that Debbie herself made, it was a great ending to our Summer.

1 comment:

Pederson Seven said...

So beautiful! Your girls are lovely! I love the royal blue color! What a cool experience for them to have and cherish:)