My uber cool cousin Patrice is my favorite of red heads around and she let me know that I was to be one third of a goat milking team at the Rodeo we went to in WY. It has become a family tradition to go up and visit my Aunt Kris at Horse Creek and go to the Rodeo over the 24th of July. The girls love it and we ALWAYS have the greatest time.
The goat milking event goes like this- there were 12 teams (I believe) that were participating. You spread out at one end of the arena and the goats were brought out at the other end. When they say go- you have to RUN the length of the arena, chase down and tackle if needed a goat. You are armed with a cup to put the milk in and once you have just enough to pour from the cup, you RACE back to the judge and get placed-and with the placing you get points. Only the first place gets money, but the top 6 teams place with points which are added to your score for the all around medal. Since we werent doing any other event, we just wanted to PLACE. And place we did.
So outfitted with brown t-shirts with white letters (they also had our names on back) Aunt Kris, Patrice and myself went to the line to go up aganist REAL cowgirls that do this every morning of thier lives....It was not intimidating in the least bit...ya RIGHT.
So when they said "GO" I took off as fast as my legs would go and the poor goat that I was gunning for did not know what was coming. Poor girl. I tackled her just as the guy was trying to get her to jet off again and I grabbed her before he could. Aunt Kris helped out and held her down while Patrice milked!
She shoved the cup in my hand and said run- so I did and raced back to the judge. We placed 4th!! Our team was THRILLED and I was given the honor and privledge to come back next year to defend my title. I cannot wait!!!
And just so you know this was not just an elaborate tale I have woven...Here is the proof!
Yep indeed. That is yours truly on the far left pumping my arms racing towards that goat!
That is me almost running into the judge trying to get back to her to place!