Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sunny (memories) in December

As I am trying my hardest to catch up, I failed to post these of the girls at the bouncy houses in Park City. It was during the Pederson Cousin Reunion and we tried to hit the Alpine Slides. The line was SO incredibly long, we would have been waiting all day for the 10 minute thrill ride. Luckily, they had some bouncy houses set up and we used the money instead to by the 3 girls (Sof, Ella and Mady) a wrist band for an hours worth of jumping, sliding and as Sofia says "getting the wiggles out". Mady was not too sure about the slides and very quickly vetoed that one and stuck to the jumping house. Ella however, could not be "one-up'd" by big sister Sofia and had to climb the ladder and go down the big kid slide, over and over and over and over... well, you get the idea! Sweet Mady...Look at that little champ! She could barely reach the ladder rings, but she did it!This was Ell and Sofia each time after they literally ROCKETED down that slide. Sof was always all smiles and Ella? We could never tell if she loved it or was terrified!! Probley a bit of both! But she turned around and did it all over again. That girl is a ROCKSTAR.This was Mady's one and only attempt at the kid slide. She was screaming the whole way down.
They had a fantastic time, and I needed to post them. So I figured with the foot and a half of snow that we have at our house, I needed some warm thoughts coming my way. Happy December!

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