Monday, July 8, 2013

Maya's Rainbow Dash and Splash 5th bday!

***Thanks again to Cuncle Josh for taking the pics!!***
Ella and Maya are both our July Bdays, so it is fun to not only watch them grow up together (they are 5 days apart-Maya is older ;), but it is so fun when Maya's Birthday comes around, we get excited since Ella's follows soon after.
This year Maya had a "Rainbow Dash and Splash" party. It was funny since Rainbow Dash is a fave of Ella's too.
The weather did not exactly cooperate, so the splashing was short lived as we were hustled inside due to the small rain and thunderstorm that came through. Did it ruin the fun?  AS IF!!

Is that cake not AWESOME? Jessie made it and it came with Rainbow layers of cake.

Everyone was so cute and Ella got her own cupcake with a candle to blow out. She is a doll. Everyone kept on saying- "Happy Birthday Ella!" and she would respond, "Happy Birthday to you too!" hehe. I explained that it was only a few special people, like her that had a birthday today so she could just say Thank you. Well it worked for a few minutes, but the next day on her actualy b-day...yep. she was right back to saying, "Happy Birthday to you too!" again. Love that girl.

Sofia with the Birthday girl, Maya.

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