Monday, October 20, 2008

Working 9-5- Yeah Right!!

With all the talk of the recent Economy woes, I have taken the action to get another job during the holidays. So for all those who are in Utah and would like to come in for some great holiday shopping and to say "HELLLOOO!" to me. Here's where you'll find me working a few nights a week.

Ill be at the downtown location on 900 East. It is back to my old stomping grounds when I worked there before. Great people, great place to work and fabulous decor. I dont believe I made much the last time I was there, but I sure did furnish our apartment pretty cute. Just had too much on my plate at the time to stay. Now I'm back and grateful there are still people there who like and remember me.

So here is the soundbyte for Pier 1- they have awesome stuff in store around the holidays. Come in and take a look!


big_smartmouth said...

um, discount?

Charity said...


Brittney said...

Good lucky making and not spending all your money!:)

uniquelynat said...

how great! probably won't make it to see you. sorry. but you never know....stranger things have happened than an impromptu trip to UT to see the bff!