Thursday, September 25, 2008

Life's simple pleasures...

Granted, it would have been better if I could say this little outing was free...But she loved it so much (well worth the $2) that when we took her to the petting Zoo next to the horse rides, it took all 3 of us to tear her away from looking longingly through the fence to where "HER" horse stood...riderless once more.


Jennie said...

I don't usually think she looks like you, but in htat pic on the horse with her nose squinched up, she TOTALLY looks like you! For some odd reason my parents have a pic of you on a horse when you were about the same age!!! :)

big_smartmouth said...

that day was so much fun! you HAVE to take her back before it closes up for the season. by the way, have you tried her pig tails since i left?? =)

Charity said...

Hehe. You HAVE to find that picture for me. ill have to make a collage of it for Sofia for Christmas. Do you think you can get it while your are home this weekend?