Saturday, August 16, 2008

Got cousins?

So with every large family there comes a time (ususally at weddings or funerals) that you all get together. Well one happened to be last weekend when my Aunt and Uncle came home from thier mission in Africa. So the invite went out to all 33 cousins to come and hang out. A few were not able to make it, but we had a great time.
Here were the members of the Pederson Clan that could make it. Artyom's mom is on the far left and Jon's fiancee Heidi on the far right.

My counsin David and his wifeCheryl graciously let us crash thier house with thier other 7 kids and we had a blast at thier house. Thanks again guys!

This was just a sampling of meal time as we all came for chow time.

And this is the new bouncing baby boy of Dave and Krystals, at only 6 months old, and weighing in at almost the same weight as his 22 month old cousin Sofia. Such a cutie!

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