Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It takes two..posts that is.

We had a great 4th of July weekend that yes, it will take two posts to get it all covered. First off- Maya Hansen's Birthday! Maya is just a few days older than Ella, so it was so fun to see them together and it got me excited (albeit a bit nostalgic) about Ella's birthday coming up. Thanks again to Cuncle Josh for the pics. I AM getting better with the picture taking and got some pretty cute ones of the 4th. That is the second post-which is coming. But for now, here are some of the fun memories we had at Nana's. Happy Birthday Maya!
We had mock Cafe Rio pulled pork burritos and salads, water slides, family and alot of fun. I love having family so close by and am always grateful for Nana and Popou for letting us all crash at thier house so much. Thanks again you guys!!

1 comment:

Josh said...

It was a lot of fun! We need to do it more especially now that we have awesome weather!